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The club is run by an executive committee.

During the club year 2024/2025 this executive committee is comprised as follows:

Executive Board

President: Sabine Schmitt (D)
1st Vice President: Yun Kruse (CN/D)
2nd Vice President:  Anna Barbara Martens (D)
Recording Secretary: Sabine Böttger (D)
Corresponding Secretary: Martina Altherr-Scriba (D)
Treasurer: Inge Paulus (D)
Deputy Treasurer: Rita Werner (B)      
Parliamentarian: Sigrid Christ (D)

The term of office of the Executive Board is twelve months. The treasurer and her deputy serve the club for two years. A German and a non-German member are elected alternately to the office of President.

The board is supported by standing committees that are responsible for organizational tasks of club life. These ladies take care of, for example, the programs, member questions, social activities, public relations and much more. Both bodies form the General Board, which meets once a month.

The fiscal year begins on July 1st  and ends on June 30th of the following year. The monthly internal club newsletter "Club Notes", provides information about the events of club life.

The official club languages are German and English.

Note for our members:
You can read about the tasks of the board members in the Members area.

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