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Elisabeth-Norgall-Awardee 2015
Jasmina Prpic LL.M.

Founder of „Anwältinnen ohne Grenzen e.V.“

Jasmina Prpic was born in 1954 in Banja Luca, today Bosnia-Herzegovina. The outbreak of the civil war in the Balkans forced the successful judge and attorney to first resign from her office and subsequently to take refuge in Germany in 1992. But she could not continue to work as a lawyer as her law degree and her professional license were not recognized in Germany. But Jasmina Prpi? did not give up. She picked up the language quickly and worked as a waitress and cleaning lady. Living on social welfare was not an option for her. In 2012 she earned a LL.M. degree at the University of Freiburg.

One of her seminar papers caught the attention of Monika Hauser from “medica mondiale”. For 3 years, Jasmina Prpic worked as a legal adviser for this organization in Kosovo and Bosnia. She briefed war rape victims, accompanying them to the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. Her experience in Kosovo made her realize how important it is to support women and women’s organizations legally and how much human rights depend on legal enforcement. Being a lawyer, she does not stop pointing out the discrepancy between formal legal and practical gender equality, even within Europe. She has devoted half of her life to popularizing the U.N. “convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women”.

In 2007, she and 11 fellow female lawyers founded the association “Anwältinnen ohne Grenzen e.V.”, which she still chairs. The association is committed to the legal enforcement of human rights of women and the elimination of all forms of gender discrimination, in Germany and in other countries. Using her legal expertise, creativity and tenacity, it is a goal she intends to pursue for many years to come.

Her manifold activities are widely recognized. In 2012 she received the award “Frau Europas”from the “Europäischen Bewegung Deutschlands” and in 2013, the “Maria-Otto Preis”.
A living example, Jasmina Prpic puts the donator of the prize, Elizabeth Norgall’s and the Club’s goals into effect. Her courageous commitment as legal expert contributes to the support of women’s rights and promotes understanding between people of different nations.

Jasmina Prpic:
"ME - MAN YOU - WOMAN. Traditional Roles Forever?
Pink/woman - black/man, weapons/man – jewellery/woman!"
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Norgall Committee 2014/2015
1. Vice President Helene Gressenbauer-Rösner (Chairperson),
Dr. Hannelore Daubert (PR), Regine Schumann (PR), Christa Gessner (German Member), Ivonne Rochau-Balinge (Longstanding Member), Yong-Hi Yim-Siegels (Non-German Member)

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