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2022: "Feel, See and Grasp - a tactile model of the Saalburg Roman Fort".

​President 2021/2022 Yong-Hi Yim-Siegels

In Roman times The Saalburg was a fort with a camp village on the border of the Roman Empire, adjacent to the Germanic tribal areas. It was rebuilt around 1900 on the initiative of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Since 2005, the site, which is unique in the world, has had the status of a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

 The fundraising project "Feel, See and Grasp - a tactile model of the Saalburg Roman Fort" is intended to enhance the participation of all population groups in cultural education. It shows the basic structure and architecture of the Roman fort on the Saalburg Pass near Bad Homburg v.d.H. Exemplary for all Roman forts along the Limes, the special characteristics of such complexes and their significance for architectural history are to be directly experienced with the senses. The tactile model will provide new access to the central content of the museum's work not only for the sighted, but especially for the blind, the visually impaired and wheelchair users.  It will enable the museum to take a big step further on the way to the greatest possible accessibility.  

Touch as a defining dimension. The design of the model takes up the characteristic shape of the floor plan based on ergometric considerations. For example, the pedestal, which can be accessed from underneath, enables barrier-free access to the model. The focus on touch requires a clear reduction of the architecture depicted while, at the same time, an exaggeration of small-scale aspects so that they can be perceived by the fingers.

At the planned location in front of the main gate of the Saalburg, the bronze tactile model will be the first point of contact and orientation, thus providing a sculptural introduction to the world of the Romans in the Taunus.


2021: Scheuern Foundation: "Im Leben leben"

Establishment of an agility studio for people with severe disabilities

President 2020/2021 Dr. Sabine LangHeinrich-Bartsch (D):


The Scheuern Foundation in Nassau is one of the largest institutions for people with disabilities in Rhineland-Palatinate. Its goal is inclusion: Stiftung Scheuern is committed to ensuring that the approximately 650 people it cares for - people with mental disabilities, acquired brain damage, or mental illness - can participate in social life. Working and self-determined- living: with a holistic concept, the foundation supports the residents in all areas of life. A wide range of therapeutic and recreational activities is available to the foundation's residents.

In the donation project "Fit im Leben" (Fit in Life), the IWC supports the establishment of an agility studio for people with severe disabilities in the Schloss Laurenburg residential home.

The project aims to offer people with disabilities necessary physical exercise opportunities to improve their physical and psychological well-being. For this purpose, a special room with essential equipment and materials, individually adapted to the residents' motor and cognitive abilities, will be provided.


More information about the ongoing donation project can be found here.


2020 Frankfurter Verein zur Unterstützung psychisch kranker Kinder und Jugendlicher e.V.

President 2019/2020 Roseann Padula (USA):


This year we voted for the Frankfurt Association for the Support of Mentally Ill Children and Adolescents. The association also supports The Autism Therapy and Research Center Frankfurt (ATFZ) by purchasing special therapy material. Our donation project is to enable the purchase of a smartboard system for important group therapies, parent training and specialist training of the ATFZ.



2019 Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung

President 2018/2019 Cornelia Klaus (D):


The project “Insect World: Diversity Under Threat” is a workshop for school classes which will take place in the Senckenberg Naturmuseum starting in the school year 2019/2020 during which students are taught about the importance of insects for our entire ecosystem. This concept was newly developed with natural scientists of the museum in coordination with the IWC.

The death of insects has reached alarming proportions. We must act: in the interest of biodiversity and the associated quality of human life. We can only protect what we know! We are confident that our donations will support a project that helps to raise awareness for an important topic of our time across all national borders.



2018 Lazarus Wohnsitzlosenhilfe e.V.

President 2017/2018 Béatrice Portoff (F):


Not looking the other way, but taking notice, encountering people in need at eye level and providing needs based help – following this device, the Frankfurt association Lazarus Wohnsitzlosenhilfe e.V. is committed to helping homeless people in dire straits, in particular with respect to medical care.

We have chosen Lazarus because its reliable engagement greatly contributes to social peace in Frankfurt. Taking on social responsibility for people in need is one of the essential missions for the club members



2017 Live Music Now Frankfurt am Main e.V.

President 2016/2017 Susanne Held (D):


Live Music Now Frankfurt has been selected because the concept of this association shows quite clearly the importance of music, with its ability to overcome borders and nationalities, for fostering cultural interaction. These criteria beautifully fit the aims of our club.

Not only the possibility of supporting young musicians and helping them develop their talent by participating in concerts is perfectly consistent with our club‘s purposes but so is Yehudi Menuhin‘s idea of using music for consoling, healing and bringing joy to people. The musicians of Live Music Now Frankfurt convince us not only with their abilities but also with their enthusiasm for making music. 

The volunteer workers are organizing some 200 free concerts per year in 129 social institutions in Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden and vicinities, in senior citizens‘ homes, homes for the disabled, prisons, shelters for homeless people, hospices and for refugees, among others. Generally, they are students at the Frankfurt College of Music and Performing Arts. In recognition of their performances the artists receive scholarships that are financed exclusively by donations.



Other projects that have been supported in recent years


2016 Stiftung „Joblinge – gemeinsam gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit“ Frankfurt am Main

President 2015/2016 Elena Vonofakou (GR)


2015 Stiftung Palmengarten und Botanischer Garten Frankfurt am Main „Duftgarten für Blinde“

President 2014/2015 Sigrid Volk (D)


2014 The English Theater Frankfurt gGmbH „English Drama Network“

President 2013/2014 Yumiko Wiesheu (J)


2013 Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk e.V. Frankfurt „Die Arche“

President 2012/2013 Annette Haag (D)


2012 Bärenherz Stiftung für schwerstkranke Kinder Wiesbaden

President 2011/2012 Anna-Maria Eiden (FIN)


2011 Innocence in danger e.V

President 2010/2011 Brigitte Biedermann (D)


2010 Städel Museum „Frankfurt baut das neue Städel“

President 2010/2011 Annemarie Moritz (A)

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