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Regular Meeting February 2024

Presentation Donation Project 2024


Two young gifted musicians from Mexico, Jorge Medina (piano) and Ernesto Fernández Lara (cello), opened the meeting with Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations for Cello and Orchestra, arranged for cello and piano. They are currently studying at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.

Not a single seat was available in the Villa Bonn conference room for the presentation of this year's fundraising project.

Sascha Nuhn, board member of the Hessischer Verband für Gehörlose und hörbehinderte Menschen e.V. and Managing Director of the Frankfurt Resto - Café Sinn&Wandel presents the Cooking Bike project.

Mr Daniel Weber translates for the audience from sign language into German and vice versa.

The Cooking Bike Project is based on a proposal from the Hessian Association for the Deaf, which wants to promote the association's own inclusion café "Sinn & Wandel" in Frankfurt.

The "COOKING BIKE" project connects two "worlds": The world of the "loud" people and the hearing society, with the one of the "silent" and the non-hearing, the deaf. This is done through food, a cultural element that all people have in common, because all people have to eat. The Cooking Bike project connects: it is an inclusion project and it is an "active" project. With this project, our club aims to enable deaf people to conquer new opportunities for inclusion and integration in normal public spaces, more precisely in the spaces of the hearing society, through an innovative professional project.

All guests followed the project presentation with great interest and attention. At the end of the presentation, the audience followed up with numerous questions and answers.

A very moving and touching speech was given by Dr Christof Goldschmidt, whose contribution brought the reality of the deaf closer to those present. He also emphasised the special significance and importance of the Cooking Bike project for the deaf community.

A broadcast team from Bayerischer Rundfunk with journalist Anna Klingemann filmed the project presentation for the programme 'Sehen statt Hören', which will be broadcast in May.

Further information about the "Cooking Bike" project can be found in the February CN and at the following link: .

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