Social Commitment
Since the beginning of the club's history, the women of the IWC have been committed to serving their community. Social involvement has been and continues to be important to them. Following its founding in 1946, the IWC’s community focus has been on assisting those in need.
Today, the IWC's diverse community activities have grown beyond the borders of Frankfurt and over the years have alleviated the small and big needs of people in need, both at home and abroad.
For several years, our members have been volunteers at Hohenwald senior citizens home in Kronberg and the Mosaikschule in Frankfurt -- a school with a focus on mental development. And the new project is the MädchenbüroMilena e.V. who will be supported with IWC women's power.
In addition, the surplus from membership fees is donated annually to two selected charitable projects.
As a highlight of each club year, a charitable or cultural project selected by the president is also supported in a major ongoing fundraising campaign. The donation is presented at the International Friendship Festival at the end of the club year.
An overview of these projects of the last years can be found here.